OK, so I'm waaaay behind on my posts!
First we'll start off with Wyatt's first Christmas...
AJ's mom, sister and Ben stayed with us Christmas Eve night and spent Christmas morning with us before heading to Jasper for more family gatherings, which AJ and I unfortunately missed out on because we're not traveling that far with Wyatt yet.
Wyatt helping to open his gifts :)

OK, Mommy will help

Yay! The Alphabet train

Frame from Aunt Christa...I know it's hard to see in the pic, but it has his name on the matting
Hanging out with Grandma Voelkel

And Wyatt was so sweet...he got mommy a gift...it's a picture frame that says 'One sweet Mom...one happy family' And he gave mommy a very sweet card :) I love him sooo much! (yes those are teary eyes)

Then on Sunday the 27th, the Scott family gathered at our house...Wyatt was so excited to meet everyone. He has now met all of his aunts and unlces and all 9 cousins! At 37 weeks pregnant I was still able to host our family Thanksgiving and have the big meal....but having just had Wyatt I made everyone settle for Papa Johns pizza as our Christmas meal!
Here are some pics of Wyatt opening more gifts....he got lots of books...which I'm excited about because I love reading to him!
His Cousin Alyssa lovin on him
AJ's white elephant gift....Wisconsin cheese head hat!!