We can't wait for the warmer weather....I just can't wait to take him for walks in his stroller!
This month is crazy busy for AJ.....he is on at the MICU at University hospital and is on call overnight every 4th night :( But next month will be bad for me......I will be on ortho again :(
I'm still able to nurse Wyatt, but it's getting harder and harder to keep up with him....not only is he eating more but it's hard for me to pump consistently at work. We will take him back to the doc for his 4 month checkup and shots next month and there we will discuss introducing real foods! Once he starts getting real foods I might not need to nurse as much or at all....I'm excited in a way so that I'm not a slave to the pump but I know I will also miss nursing him (just as I really miss being pregnant with him)...crazy I know. But we love the little guy bunches!!
Check out these cute pics of the cutest baby ever :)