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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sarah & AJ (+1)

That's right I don't mean Nala as the +1....although we love Nala bunches....isn't she so adorable!!

BUT.....our biggest news that we're just now really getting out there is BABY VOELKEL IS ON HIS/HER WAY!!! That's right.....we are due December 17th!! We are very excited! We found out right away in April, didn't tell anyone until Mother's Day weekend/AJ's med school graduation weekend when we told our mothers by giving them a cake that said Happy Mother's Day Granny and took them a few seconds, but they finally caught on!! Now we're letting everyone know.
We are 18wks now and we will get our ultrasound next week.....can't wait to see the little one!! I can feel him/her moving now but AJ can't just yet.....I'm sure he will shortly though!
We have a lot ahead of us now...especially putting the nursery's what the baby's room looks like now:

Too bad the baby can't sleep on a queen or twin size bed! Oh well....we're excited and it's so much fun looking at all the baby stuff!! Can't wait to put it all together!
AJ has now started his residency with UofL so schedules are pretty hectic, but we vow to get this stuff done BEFORE the baby comes!!

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