Here are the little peanuts at 8 weeks. They don't look very human here, but they were bouncing around and we could see their hearts beating :)

So cool to see them both at the same time....and you can clearly see the membrane separating them....they are each in their own sac...good thing.

And here's the big U/S at 20 weeks....they have grown so much!!! We have two very healthy baby GIRLS!! They continued to move all over the place doing flips and waving. We had to go to a maternal-fetal medicine doctor b/c our regular OB didn't feel comfortable with their regular u/s in getting and interpreting the anatomy of both of the babies so we saw this specialist and they were pretty much like why are you here? Ha! Fine with me....hope to never see them again!! We didn't have a bad experience....actually it was great.....we got to see the babies for at least a half hour while they got all their in-depth measurements, etc.....we just don't want to ever NEED to see a high-risk doctor again.
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