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 Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, March 7, 2011

15 months

Wyatt is now 15 months old. We took him today for his check-up and he is doing greatSmile He now weighs 26 lbs 6oz and is 34in longSurprised smile He is doing great developmentally and he now has his 13th tooth coming in….his mouth is loaded with teethOpen-mouthed smile He is so smart too—not that I’m biased or anything---he doesn’t say a whole lot of words yet, but he knows everything that we say and knows where everything is and he knows everything that he is NOT supposed to do, but he loves doing it anyway Smile with tongue out Here are some recent pics of our little man…..and yes, we know he needs a haircut…it’s on our LONG list of things to do…..




Just look at that face…..we get that ALOT


We took him to Puzzles Fun Dome a couple weeks ago and he loved playing in all the inflatables there…..and he even played some basketball with Daddy’s help






If we ever need to find the pans to fix dinner…just have to check all of Wyatt’s hiding spots Smile with tongue out


Big boy


Friday, March 4, 2011

Pregnancy Update

Time has really flown by fast since the last update at 24 weeks! We are now 29 wks and 4 days. Here are the current belly pics Smile

IMG_0901 IMG_0913

And here, for comparison, is the last picture of me with Wyatt right before we left for the hospital at 38 weeks


At our 26 week appt we got to see the girls again Open-mouthed smile They were both doing great! Baby A is vertex-head down- and Baby B is breech. Baby A weighed 1lb 15oz and Baby B weighed 2lbs 5oz. With them being opposite now they are kicking each other in the head! It was so weird to see each of their feet up around each others head. The membrane separating them is still intact and it still appears that there is one large placenta…..which means nothing really, b/c even fraternal twins can have their placentas fused….still have to wait until they’re born to know for sure. The doctor said that due to their position I will most likely end up having a C-section—BOO!
Not that I don’t want to avoid damage “down there”, but I’m not looking forward to having my abdomen sliced open Surprised smile It’s all still officially up in the air, but that’s most likely what will end up happening.

Here is Baby A’s face

Here is Baby B’s face with Baby A’s abdomen right at Baby B’s chin

Here is Baby B’s profile with Baby A’s abdomen on the right

We just had our 29 week appt this week and got to hear their heartbeats…still beating strong Smile

The doc asked if I was having any contractions…..yes, as usual. Then asked how many an hour…..well, when I ‘m up working alot –especially since I had been on call the week before- I had been having around 6-7 an hour when I was really busy/stressed…..SO, that was the WRONG thing to tell the doctor. So she then examines me and yep, 1cm dilated already. She then says that I have to return the next day, 24hrs after being examined, to have a fetal fibronectin test done…..she said if it comes back negative then all is good and I just need to change my work hours/schedule----hahaha yeah right ….she has no idea what I have gone through recently with my director…..that would soooo not go over well…….but then she said if it comes back positive, then I’m in the hospital on steroids then strict bedrest. Well, luckily, it came back NEGATIVE! So, about adjusting my work schedule…..we’ll see….not the easiest in this boys club. I’m just hoping my next call week that I have to take doesn’t put me on bedrest!

So for now, we are still doing well…..growing every daySmile I take it easy when I can and do what I can to avoid having to make up too much more time at the end of residency. We go back in 2 weeks now and will have another ultrasound to measure the babies growth. We can’t wait to see them again!